Originally posted by Turi Guiliano: You set out to make it on your own with your own life and EVERYONE is entitles (Sic.) to that. Without fear of being killed or their baby killed by some madman who can't find a difference between them and was thinking far too philosophically for his age. Wait till you retire to come up with these, you'll have plenty of time then.
I agree with you completly Turi; everyone is entitled to life, and to have peace in their lives without worrying about a mad man who was thinking too philosophically for his age. (By whatever standards.)

As for me, I don't see a reason for anybody to worry, I of course would never go out of my way to harm anyone who had not harmed me. If I had qualms with the parent of the child I would attempt to resolve those with him, and not with his child - I would never involve the innocent children in any of it, or any innocent person. I hate philosophers and all philosophies by the way. But I will always have time to think logically without worrying about what is conventional and "how the world works" [In the minds of regular people].

Thanks for the story.