Originally Posted By: Mussolini14
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: m2w
i think ny planned all since montagna was sent there

It's worth mentioning that the Bonannos didn't "send" Sal anywhere, the United States government did. He was deported, and at that point he probably decided to make the most of it.

The idea that an American was going to take over in Montreal is as ridiculous as the idea of a Canadian coming to Brooklyn or the Bronx and doing the same.

Do you agree with the view point that American LCN members see themselves as Americans first an Italians second and Canadian gangsters of Italian descent see themselves as Italians first and Canadians second?

I'm an Italian from Montreal and have some friends in NYC who are of Italian descent and there is a difference for sure.

In the States, people see themselves as American first and then Italian, where as in Canada especially in Toronto and Montreal, we consider ourselves more Italian than Canadian.

That being said, the Canadian immigration wave is more recent and most Italians, mafiosi included came here int he mid 50's, while American LCN has been around for close to a century.

That's why Italians in Montreal and Toronto are more fluent in Italian and dialects than their American counterparts, thus the stronger links to Italy.

We don't have Zips here, they're just part of the crime scene.