Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: eurodave
It's all about the money.........but in the end, the Rizzutos and close family members ate very well without getting their hands dirty. They became too good for the streets and lived a life of luxury, nice cars, legitimate businesses etc......greedy and comfortable.

Sounds a lot like the resentment that Paul Castellano's subordinates had for him here in New York.


You should see the homes these people live in. Google mafia-row or mafia street in Montreal and that will give you an idea of how the lived, as compared to many others. They sent their kids to the best private schools, some became lawyers, they had investments all over the city and country, the donated money etc...

The Rizzuto regime somewhat resembles that of Castellano.

It doesn't matter how rich or how well you try to pretend to be legal and a legitimate business man because at the end of the day, these scumbags make money by taking of advantage of societies weakest.

Eat or be eaten right? smile

Last edited by eurodave; 12/10/11 04:27 PM.