I can just see the next Romney ad (put out by either Dems or Rs). It'll show him making that bet comment, along with the picture of him with money hanging out of his clothes.

You just know it's gonna happen.
Oh it's already happening. Huntsman's campaign has just announced they're buying the domain web-name "www.10kBet.com"
And the Democrats released this shortly afterwards too:
In tonight’s Iowa Debate Mitt Romney casually offered a $10,000 bet, after calling a $1,500 tax break for the middle class a band-aid. Mitt Romney may not know what $10,000 means to middle class families, but here’s what the average American family can buy with $10,000:
$10,000 Is More Than Four Months Pay For Most Americans (Median Income Was $26,197 in 2010) [Census.gov, accessed 12/10/11] $10,000 Is More Than The Average Public In-State Four-Year College Tuition ($8,244) [CollegeBoard, accessed 12/10/11] $10,000 Is Almost Three Times What The Average Family Spends On Groceries In A Year ($3624) [BLS.gov, accessed 12/10/11] $10,000 Would Cover More Than A Year’s Worth Of Mortgage Payments For The Typical American Home Purchased Today ($8,376) [National Association of Realtors, 10/6/11]