Originally Posted By: antimafia
Originally Posted By: carmela

Also, very well said, antimafia. It's nice to see you again and always nice to read your posts. wink

Nice to see you as well, carmela. Also nice to read your posts again.

I perhaps should have mentioned a few other details about Montagna and his deportation:

[*]He had dual citizenship (Canadian, Italian) but not American citizenship.

[*]He almost received his green card several years ago. If he had received it, he would not have been deported.

[*]Even back in April 2009, when he was deported -- he chose to go to Canada rather than Italy -- his lawyer was wrangling to try to have Montagna stay in the US, as this was Montagna's wish. After Montagna was deported, he still wanted to return to the US, and his lawyer continued to fight for this on Montagna's behalf till reality set in: Montagna would not be able to return.

Nevertheless, I cannot give short shrift to Montagna's activities (including meetings) in Quebec and especially in Ontario once he knew that a return to the US was not in the cards. (I am especially curious as to who his contacts in Ontario were before he was deported.) While the attempted murder of Raynald Desjardins and the murders of Lorenzo Lo Presti and Montagna make clearer, for some posters, who is or was on whose side, I am still perplexed by Domenico Arcuri Jr.'s helping to introduce Montagna to Desjardins and by Lorenzo Lo Presti's association with Montagna (assuming this is true). Arcuri's and Lo Presti's respective families descend from the Rizzutos' hometown in Sicily, and I have reasons for suspecting the likelihood of Arcuris and Lo Prestis intermarrying with Rizzutos and Cammalleris, both in Montreal and Toronto.

The Arcuris of Montreal and Giacinto Arcuri of Toronto (a noted mafioso in Ontario's underworld) were known to have established ties to the Bonanno Family in New York: Domenico Arcuri Sr. (Domenico Jr.'s father) and Giacinto Arcuri are related to Giuseppe Arcuri, a New York soldier in the Bonanno Family. Giuseppe, who died in 2001, co-owned a pizzeria in Long Island with Gerlando Sciascia, and according to The Sixth Family co-author Adrian Humphreys, there apparently were Montreal Mafia members who attended Giuseppe's wake.

Law enforcement has speculated that Domenico Arcuri Sr. wed, many, many years ago, the niece of Nicolino Alfano, a New York Bonanno.

If Montagna was representing Rizzuto-organization interests before the murder of Nick Rizzuto Sr., would Montagna have told Nick Rizzuto Sr. that the latter's reign was over? If Montagna was representing the interests of Sicilian members of the Montreal Mafia such as Domenico Arcuri Jr. and Lorenzo Lo Presti, and the latter were part of a group that was fed up with the Rizzutos' reign, then perhaps these individuals might be deemed as renegades in the Rizzuto faction -- but I have trouble understanding this.

Bear in mind that Lorenzo Lo Presti grew up living next dor to Vito and Nick Rizzuto Sr. Lo Presti was the one who identified his father's body at the morgue in 1992. I don't believe that, according to Sal Vitale, Gerlando Sciascia killed or arranged to kill Joe Lo Presti. I don't see Lorenzo and the Arcuris betraying Nick Sr. and Vito; however, much of the internal fighting in the Montreal Mafia in the last few years is a result of betrayals, the formation of factions, and the switching of allegiances.

Antimafia, excellent post!

From my understanding Montagna, Arcuri and Lopresti were part of the same team. Lopresti had been warned to keep a low profile and not cause a ruckus while Montagna was taking too much space in Montreal. That's as much as I know for now.