Originally Posted By: m2w
it was my post eastharlem you can't even rad right...
it's very possible a so-called zip or greasball or whatever you call them they are sicilian-born living on the other side and yeah they could run the genovese's now through de vita or same other... gambino's and bonanno's are litterally in zips hands now and they are the major force inside the commission
they took over montreal from other zips (rizzuto's) just see how strong they are
they came back in palermo and they are feared by even rotolo men and corleonesi
they came back in milan, north italy, and made ndrangheta scared even there

that's why the Genovese family is considered to be the most secretive and strongest?........and the family name doesn't even bear a Sicilian name, neither is it known for it's sicilian influence or as you call them zips.

get off the Sicilian bandwagon.........the cosa nostra is a shadow of it's former-self........1000 informants and counting.

Last edited by eurodave; 12/13/11 05:17 PM.