..By the way; friend - the Aryans in India despite common misconceptions and complete ignorance were Nordics from the Caucaus who migrated to India and brought their language (Sanskrit) to the Indians.

Eventually after miscegnation with the Indians their genes became shrouded and eventually disolved by the Indian populations, that is why India had such a complex caste system with the darker individuals below the lighter ones. And that is why it grew more complex as the years passed (miscegnation became more common and the Aryan genes there were destroyed).

Traces of Nordic ancestry can still be seen in Bollywood movies (Indian version of Hollywood) - where most actors tend to carry light features.

Don't believe me?

Perhaps; DonsAdvisor would like to ... he too seems to believe disinforamtion.

Aryans in the Middle East.

Here\'s a little history of the Swastika for you, too.

The Rig Veda the original holy book of the Aryan conquerors of Indian describes the racial conflicts, and though it was corrupted it is still used as the main religious text of Hinduism.

I'll stop here, there is too much to quote.

Or maybe you want to read the definition of the word Aryan for yourself?