I just finished the book and I was not that impressed. Maybe my expectations were too high but I thought it would have been more interesting. There were some VERY interesting parts but the book as a whole was ok, not great. Maybe its because I read it just after I finished Murder Machine which was amazing. Parts of Albert's book felt manufactured so although it was certainly based on truth, I wonder how embellished it was. For example, he talks about the "superchargers" that he had installed in his corvette to escape his enemies if need be. You can't put multiple superchargers on a car. They are not turbos. Then he mentions that when Roy and Freddie were talking about killing Big Paul, he states that Freddie said he would "supercharge his motorcycle so they could hit Paul and make a fast getaway". He also used many double entendres throughout the book like claiming that his fathers freind brought over breakfast one morning and he had some "juice" in the car for Roy. Albert claims to have gone out to the car because he was thirsty and didn't know that juice was interest payment? He did a similar thing with "balloons" when his father handed a customer "50 balloons" in an envelope. To me, stuff like that takes away from the integrity of the story since it feels manufactured.

Anyway, that's just my .02. All in all, the book was ok and I would recommend it. Not all books can blow you away.