Originally Posted By: Don Smitty
Every time President Obama is at a restaurant he eats a greasy cheeseburger! They show it on tv all the time, yet everyone else has to eat healthy.

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
What the fuck?? Are you kidding me? That fat pig Rush is going to comment on Michelle Obama's body? That's just disgusting. I guess you have nothing else to criticize but the size of the First Lady's ass or when the President eats a cheeseburger, you must be looking really hard for something to criticize.

Believe me, I am not a Rush fan at all. Personally think that he is a bit off the wall. However, with that said, I don't think that he or Don Smitty were looking for something really hard to criticize. They didn't have to look very hard or far because in my opinion she brought it on herself! She was the one who attacked companies like McDonald's stating that the food that they were selling, especially the happy meals, were bad. God forbid the President and the First Lady look at a company like McDonald's in a positive light. A company who’s continuing to hire and have success even in the worst business climate ever. Here we are with unemployment at it's highest, and the President and his wife attack a company that provided something like 64,000 jobs in the first half of 2011! President Obama would much rather praise the Occupy wall Street protesters and vilify a company like McDonald's (who has done nothing but contribute to the economy by creating so many jobs) for selling Happy Meals?

WTF? ...or as you said What The Fuck?

You cannot go out there, like The First Lady has, make "Healthy Eating" your platform...talk out against eating fast food...and then go out there yourself, with your family, and get caught doing this :


Do I think that they should not be able to eat fast food! Absolutely not! They are normal people, like you and I, who should enjoy the kinds of treats that we all do from time to time. But when you are in a position that they are in, and in the public eye, you cannot go out there and preach that the American people should not treat themselves or their children to fast foods and then sit down yourself and indulge in what you just spoke out against!

Hats off to her for going out there and influencing companies like Wal-Mart and Wal-Greens to bring affordable fresh food to areas of the country that do not have access to affordable, nutritious food options. Nothing wrong with her asking companies like McDonald's to offer some healthier options on their menu. I applaud her for that too. But once she started to talk out against eating fast food and at the same time continued to do so with her family, she opened herself up to the criticism that she has been getting.

But I don't agree with the name calling. it's disgusting! Rush is disgusting!

With that being said, who the FUCK is the government to tell me what I should or should not eat?

Talk about the "slippery slope!"

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.