Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
[quote=Sicilian Babe]

On August 22, 2008 the Dow closed at 11,628.06. On August 25th 2008 Barack Obama received the democratic nomination and the very next day the dow dropped almost 400 points. On Wednesday November 5th, the day after Barack Obama was elected president, the Dow fell sharply dropping 513 points. So yes, it has climbed back up since HIS being nominated and then elected obviously caused it to drop.

And the Dow has rebounded considerably compared to since Dubya left office. What's your point? That the economy has been in the shitter the last few years? We're sorta aware of that.

Here's a statisic: Unemployed has dropped two points from a high of 11% in '09 to now about 8.4%, give or take. Maybe it'll shrink, maybe it'll rise, maybe it'll stay in the spring. Who knows?

Tell me old man, just off-topic, what you think of the Bush Tax Cuts in general?

They certainly remind me of the Obama Stimulus in this way: Proponents of both plans argue that both plans saved the economy from hitting Depressing levels, instead of ceiling at recession.

An argument akin to saying because you were sick and missed work, you didn't die in a car crash today towards or away from work. Well you're alive, but how can you accurately defend or deflate such an framed argument?