To everyone (Dutch);) :
"Vrolijk kerstfeest en een gelukkig en gezond nieuwjaar!"
If you've just called my mother a slag I won't be happy!
Ha ha ha! I just love your humor Turi!

(don't quite know what a slag is, but I get your drift)

Shouldn't you be in the kitchen though, slaving over the hot stove?
Hehe, a slag is a woman that easily sleeps around.
I'm done in the kitchen today. Turkey beautifully cooked, carved and refrigerated for tomorrow. Pigs in blankets and stuffin just tucked away and ready for the oven too. I think I'm gonna do my gammon in the slow cooker overnight and that's the hard work done, I'll just need to do the veg. My missus will be finishing work now, coming home. We'll get cleaned and changed and then off to her mum and dads for a Christmas Eve curry and drinks.