Originally Posted By: olivant

That's one thing that chaps me about presidential candidates ... the way they use I, I, I as if there are not two other branches of governemnt. I especially get chapped when a candidate states that they will lower taxes. No they won't. Only the Congress can do that. I think those candidates presume too much.

That's because they assume their voters are ignorant morons. And if elected officials reflect their voters...

Originally Posted By: olivant

But Santorum is something of a religious fanatic. You usually don't hear of a Catholic described that way. But as a former Catholic, I know of what I speak.

With exception of Paul, that entire field are full of religious fanatics. Yes even Mittens, who may or may not sincerely believe the homophobic government activism the GOP has preached and practiced for the last several decades, but he'll carry that rhetoric (if softened) and policy.

Poor Paul, he could've won more votes if he threated gays a national threat just like the other candidates.