Originally Posted By: Southphilly4ever
Dont know if any activity or significance is going on in the Trenton area any more. Trenton for the most part is a ghetto now. A guy by the name of Carl Ippolito used to run Trenton back from the Bruno to the Scarfo era.

Many of the immigrants from Italy settled in Trenton early on and aside from New York at the time it had the most Italian population in the USA for a bit. Many of the Trenton Italian immigrants either made the move to South Philly or had Family and Friends in either or so the Philly presence was always there.

Trenton once had one of the biggest Little Italy's in the USA w/ Chambersburg, which was a nice area until say the 90s, past 15 years or so it has been on the skid...even the legendary DeLorenzos is closing (I prefer Papas...).

However there are still at least a couple of gambling clubs in the Burg, Trenton is so f'd up w/ gang violence I don't think the cops have time to blink at it.

Did Ippolito have a son who became a lawyer by any chance?