Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
I agree about Sofia and Eli Wallach was kind of unintentionally comical, but I totally disagree about Connie. ... She was a timid mousey type personality, who most likely was taught to never speak out, and played the part very well.
I agree with this one. Connie was out of her head with grief, and spoke up for probably the first time in her life -- remember at the end of GF2, where Sonny tells her (pretty much) to shut up and she just ... does? When years of that type of repression come out, it isn't going to be pretty.

And I can't even watch GF3 because if I watch Sofia C's horrid acting again, I will scratch my eyes out. My god ... even in the STILLS she sucks. Everyone else is in character and she's grinning like a kid getting their school picture taken. UGH

"You blamed him for Sonny -- you always did. Everybody did. But you never thought about me -- you never gave a damn about me."