Ok, why is he just releasing last year's and projection for this year? Give HIM the Obama treatment. Hound him to death for the long form (past 6 years or whatever they normally release).

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
To be fair, didn't Hillary hound Obama on his taxes too at one point? Apparently the future President did eventually release his tax returns...10 years backworth in spring 2008, March I believe.
I know some of Mittens' people panicking I'm sure after last night, but piecemealing such an issue after papercut after papercut by himself, I just don't know if this will kill the issue for now or not.
Here's my idea: What if he released say at least 5 years worth? He could then dick Newt for not releasing his Bernie Mac papers and older tax returns. It would totally work and totally change the story because you know Newt doesn't want his Bernie Mac shit released. Oh no. The heat would turn back on the Georgian Bacon.
Because politicians aren't the rest of us. They tend to easily be identified for fraud if they deduct trivial shit. Remember when the Clintons took a tax deductable in donating used socks/underwear to Goodwill? They got heat for a brief time over that petty cheat. That's a problem with being a politician: everything about you is under a microscrope. Or more accurately these days, a flip camera phone.
In short, I think if Mittens did release his returns, we'll find assumingly absolutely surely nothing new. Or not the dirt that he's indirectly promised us with his recent dodging and kabuki dancing. Right?
I did read someone's conspiracy theory, with no evidence whatsoever to back it up, that Mittens is doing his best to hide the supposed millions he's donated to the Church of LDS over the years. *shrugs*