Just heard on MSNBC that Newt Gingrich is "threatening" to pull out of other debates IF the audience can't participate.

Poor Newt, didn't feel the love last night? (or is it hate?).
Because in uncontrollable situations, like an audience-fueled debate, Mittens doesn't do as well compared to Newt. I wonder who breaks on that issue?
Anyway, if Mittens hoped the Tax issue died with his '10 returns released...I don't know. From Reuters:
Romney advisers stressed that the holdings in the Caymans -- along with those in a Swiss bank account that was closed in 2010 after an investment adviser decided it could be politically embarrassing to Romney -- were reported on tax returns and were not vehicles to avoid taxes.
Mysterious Swiss Bank? Closed to avoid "embarrasment"? Oh man this story just got better.
But regardless, the tax issue has already done% it's damage to Mittens. Month ago, he was the only GOP candidate with positive favorables. Not anymore. ABC/Washington Post poll:
In the ABC/WaPo numbers, Mitt has experienced a shift deterioration among independent. Among Republicans and Democrats his numbers have staid pretty stable. Between January 8th to the 22nd, unfavorable opinions of Mitt went up 17 points. Favorable opinions dropped 18 points. That brought him all the way down to 23% favorability, just 2 points ahead of what Dems think of Mitt. His favorables/unfavorables are now 31/49.