I am interested to know how American people have changed their perceptions on the Mafia over time. Are they still relevant in people's thoughts? I am guessing people today generally know far less than they used too because their power has reduced. For instance in say the 70s would New Yorkers be able to name bosses and families, while today generally they couldn't name any? Hopefully Pizzaboy if he reads this can add his thoughts on this. What do current American guys on here think? Would the general public know anything about today's families and bosses?

Another interesting thing I have noticed is many Americans seem to have an almost positive view of the Mafia as loveable rogues. After the historic mob bust last year I remember reading the story on the NY times and other American papers, the comments from readers underneath were interesting to me, very few were in praise of the government or FBI. The gist of it was most thought these old men should be left alone and they should be going after the bankers, Wall St, Government officials instead. Then another view was that people are more concerned with gangs such as Black gangs and Hispanics, as they posed more immediate threat to their safety. Some were even saying they would prefer their Neighbourhoods to have a Mafia presence because other street gangs are squeezed out.

What you Americans think about all this?