Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
Originally Posted By: carmela
yes, they have their honor, even though it conflicts with your definition of honor

Could you be more specific about this? What honor could organized crime have? Even the rumor that the "traditionalist" mafiosi don't kill women and children is a lie. Didn't you say so yourself in the other thread? Even Jack the Ripper or a child molester may think they have honor, but that doesn't mean this warped concept of "honor" has to be respected by law-abiding people.
As for their opposition to drugs in their hometowns, it's pure hypocrisy on their part, because they still sell drugs abroad. Look at Gaetano Badalamenti who was the chairman of the Cupola and the leader of the "traditionalist" part of Cosa Nostra, the one who was an example of an old-style mafioso who is supposed to have "honor". He may have kept the drugs out of some areas he liked, but he still sold them elsewhere. At the end he ended up in jail just for this.

What is this rumor you keep talking about that the 'traditionalist' mafiosi don't kill women or children? They never say this. In Italy it is common understanding that if your wife/mother/son are in the way, or can be used for a bargaining tool, it will be. This is NOT a secret. It's common knowledge.

The honor they have (in Italy cause i really don't give a fuck about American LCN) is in knowing that they ones that uphold their allegiance and adhere to the codes they swore to, are the ones that have the honor. It's not YOUR honor or anyone elses. But it means something to them. Honor, respect, and dignity. Those are the words they live by. If a man stays to the codes he pled to and doesn't veer from them, he is a man of honor. I don't say you or anyone else has to understand it or agree with it. But if you're going to be born into that life and/or choose to be in that life then do it right. A man that is in jail for life and under article 41-bis and doesn't talk, is a man of honor. It means something to him, if nobody else.

As far as the drugs are concerned, of course it's hypocrisy. I didn't say it wasn't. I mean what I say and what I said was certain bosses are strict about it not being in THEIR town. Don't read too far into my words. I'm very point blank and to the point.

Last edited by carmela; 01/27/12 06:18 PM.

La madre degli idioti e' sempre incinta.