Toodoped: MeyerLansky is GBB's new "50 Cent" lol Cheers buddy and stay safe
MeyerLansky: haha thank you buddy ! i hope i will go home today, the doctors will give an answer later this day
Toodoped: I wish you the best buddy and dont forget, what doesnt kill you, makes you stronger
MeyerLansky: indeed thank you buddy ! all the best to you too !
Toodoped: Fuck the ScottB & Button/Zipper Pants sites and fuck their paywalls. This forum gives you everything for free and so best wishes and good health to both JGeoff and TB!
Toodoped: Cheers and stay tuned for more free information.
Toodoped: Cant believe that some posters need to open three different threads so they can advertise their projects, and also talk to themselves with the help of different accounts. What is the world coming to?!
Toodoped: whoomp there it is! whoomp there it is! lol
Toodoped: a bird told me that the zipper pants site is slowly going down lol lol lol
Toodoped: The best fun for me is being the puppeteer of a complete idiot lol lol
Toodoped: ...and screw all paywalls and paying sites. They wont give you shit
Toodoped: Thanks buddy! We should continue fighting against these lying paying sites and to protect everyone on this forum, especially the younger generation or posters.
Toodoped: these days lots of people that I know lost their families and everything they had because its legit and even youngsters can chip in
Toodoped: Same as the mob paying sites...ppl pay for "Disneyland" and wiki mob stuff, something which they can find it on their own with a simple google search
VanillaLimeCoke: Lousy school violence these days. Not even a 6th of the way through September and we've already had a psychotic violent school shooting.
Toodoped: Word. Few days ago, over here, they caught one teenager with a gun and more than 60 bullets, while going to school. I wonder what was his plan ?!
Toodoped: Damn....the retard slowly became a stalker and he's following me whenever I make a post so he can bump up his own $0,5 "projects" lol lol "IT" is finished and I love it lol
Toodoped: Cant believe this off to find some real pussy
Toodoped: aaaaand....the retarded stalker is back again
Toodoped: For those who enjoyed the "TD's Free Outfit Articles 2023/24" thread, well thanks to @TB for making it a sticky on the first page in the OC forum so everyone can enjoy it. Again, I want to personally say thanks to TB, JGeoff and the whole GBB forum. Salut
VanillaLimeCoke: I can’t take it anymore. Everything has gotta change. Or at least a lot.
Toodoped: Screw the world bro...the main thing today is to take care of you and yours.
VanillaLimeCoke: I’m hoping and praying that 2025 will be so much better. …. for real …. Too
Giacomo_Vacari: Damn, he is posting the same things over and over, nothing new. Watch out the flu is bad this year. January 20th Trump gets sworn in, and hopefully turn things around.
VanillaLimeCoke: Yeah, but they’re already planning things so he can’t turn them around
VanillaLimeCoke: Biden’s pardened over 8000 people, most of which were issued in the last 2-3 months
hoodlum: Yes, most likely 2 piss off that crybaby & compulsive liar now sadly in office.
Jason1969: Hey! After applying months ago, I finally got my button and was accepted as a member!
I am not much into politics, just thought this article was really interesting.
When Barack Obama became President he told us about his ''Stimulus Package'' and said it would help get more people back to work. It was soon passed by Congress, before the American people even knew more about it. The plan he had never worked and it put our country more in debt. Obama later told us about his healthcare plan, which became known as ''Obamacare.'' It was passed by Congress as well. Not long after it was passed, we noticed taxes were raised super high for anyone with a paycheck from a job or social security and taxes went up pretty high on things you buy in a store or online. We soon found out it was due to ''Obamacare'' that it was like this. Obama also is against SB1070 and said it would lead to racial profiling. SB1070 does nothing more then allow Arizona to enforce Federal law. It isn't about legal immigration and has nothing to do with race. It simply states that if you're a foreign national you're required to carry your identification on you at all times. That's an existing federal law. It also states that people in our country illegally will be passed off to customs and immigration. It took him more than a week to comment on the Gulf oil spill and weeks before he finally challenged BP's estimate of leakage. He lied about where he was born and when pressured to show his Birth Certificate he showed us a fake one. Obama doesn't even salute the American Flag. He is the first anti-American to be President of the United States. His wife made that clear when she said ''for the first time in my life I'm proud to be an American.'' That was when Obama was running for President. Let's not forget his old anti-American friends like the terrorist Bill Ayers and the racist Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Barack Obama, in a Newsweek interview said “John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith." He told people that he actually meant to say Christian faith instead. What a liar. He bowed to a Muslim King but not to the Queen of England in 2009. He's been visiting Mosque’s but not churches since he became President. Obama won’t wear an American Flag Pin because he thinks it will offend people. He always defends Islam & Obama has spoken Arabic in quoting the “Holy Quran." But he has never quoted the Bible. Obama wrote a book about his father called "The Audacity of Hope." In the book he said “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." He always stands with his hands folded in front of him when listening to the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance. Michelle Obama was recently caught saying "all that for a damn flag" to her husband at the 10th year anniversary ceremony for the people killed on 9/11.
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK
There is so much "rehashing" in it, some stories from way back. The birth certificate alone is so overdone and has been verified & proven as real. The raising of taxes as well as been proven false. I know a lot of those e-mails/articles continue to go around and likely will throughout all of President Obama's term/s.
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK
There is so much "rehashing" in it, some stories from way back. The birth certificate alone is so overdone and has been verified & proven as real. The raising of taxes as well as been proven false. I know a lot of those e-mails/articles continue to go around and likely will throughout all of President Obama's term/s.
I agree.
They should at least come up with some "new" material if they're going to continue to bash the guy.
And boy, do they ever hate his wife? I thought Hillary cornered the market on First Lady hatred, but they really seem to have it in for Michelle Obama.
"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.
Oh yea, Michelle gets bashed big time too. I think Rush may help in that area. Personally I don't mind Hillary BUT to many she comes off I guess like a bitch??? But Michelle isn't the same personality at all I don't think. Like EVERY first lady, Michelle has her pet projects (ie Nancy Reagan "Just Say No" to drugs) with one of them being healthy eating for kids. Not a bad thing right? Well, think again. LOL
I remember a year or so back Sarah Palin (I know what do I expect but she has her fans) was being interviewed and I only saw a clip of her cooking or preparing something in her home. She had to make a dig about Michelle implying that the First Lady was dictating what we are suppose to eat. For God's sake!!! Palin's not alone, others though have made such digs.
Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 01/29/1203:25 PM.
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK
Hi Guys, actualy I just found out after talking to my friend Chris, who sent it to me, that he made the article. It's from his personal Facebook note. Well, after asking him if he really believed the Birth Certificate rumor to be true, he sent me this video, which gives us proof that Obama did show the world that the Birth Certificate was phony. Not saying it is, but I'm just not sure if this stuff is true or false. I want to be 100% sure before I vote again!
No offense, but your friend is wrong, plain and simple. State of Hawaii has verified, the then Republican Governor has verified. Wishing it so, won't make it true.
Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 01/29/1203:33 PM.
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK
I am not much into politics, just thought this article was really interesting.
It was passed by Congress as well. Not long after it was passed, we noticed taxes were raised super high for anyone with a paycheck from a job or social security and taxes went up pretty high on things you buy in a store or online. .
So much to comment on. I'll just address this:
Federal income tax and social security tax rates have remained the same since 2003 with a small reduction in Social Security tax rates starting last year and extended through February of this year. Taxes on things you buy in a store or online are a function of state and local government tax rates.
Last edited by olivant; 01/29/1204:20 PM.
"Generosity. That was my first mistake." "Experience must be our only guide; reason may mislead us." "Instagram is Twitter for people who can't read."
There are just so many things wrong with that nonsense that you posted NJBoy, that it's pointless to defend it. The haters will go on believing what they want, no matter how many times or how many ways it's been said. It's pandering to the ignorant who won't take the time to actually research what is real and what's not.
At least O'reilly writes his own material. Like him or not, he's fairly educated. But you can't tell me that Beck doesn't employ a ghostwriter. He's not smart enough to read a book, let alone write one.
"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.
At least O'reilly writes his own material. Like him or not, he's fairly educated. But you can't tell me that Beck doesn't employ a ghostwriter. He's not smart enough to read a book, let alone write one.
Wow, PB actually defends a Conservative, like O' Reilly. That's the first. LOL! Yep, I agree that O'Reilly is pretty articulate.
At least O'reilly writes his own material. Like him or not, he's fairly educated. But you can't tell me that Beck doesn't employ a ghostwriter. He's not smart enough to read a book, let alone write one.
o'reilly is a smart guy obcourse, ghost writer or not for beck
both are wackos
Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife? Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.
There's enough to legitimately criticize about Obama's performance as presidemt without having to resort to the slanders and inaccuracies in that article.
As for the AZ immigration bill: I opposed it because it is a formula for racial profiling, plain and simple. My wife and I aren't going to be challenged to produce proof of citizenship if we're stopped for a traffic violation--but you can bet our Mexican-American neighbor will be. Nonetheless, illegal immigration is a serious problem here. On the one hand, the Federal government claims absolute jurisdiction over all immigration matters. On the other hand, enforcement has been sporadic and feeble, and Congress has treated it as a political football, constantly failing to enact comprehensive immigration reform.
Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu, E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu... E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.
There's enough to legitimately criticize about Obama's performance as presidemt without having to resort to the slanders and inaccuracies in that article.
As for the AZ immigration bill: I opposed it because it is a formula for racial profiling, plain and simple. My wife and I aren't going to be challenged to produce proof of citizenship if we're stopped for a traffic violation--but you can bet our Mexican-American neighbor will be. Nonetheless, illegal immigration is a serious problem here. On the one hand, the Federal government claims absolute jurisdiction over all immigration matters. On the other hand, enforcement has been sporadic and feeble, and Congress has treated it as a political football, constantly failing to enact comprehensive immigration reform.
In some ways I agree. But, what about the Cartels coming from Mexico and into AZ that are killing Ranchers on the border?? Also, what about the trashing that goes on on the border. There are immigrants that are wonderful people, like our Italian ancestors were. I think they should do it the RIGHT way. Not illegally. Many people either don't see the ILLEGAL in front of immigrant and just think you're referring to all immigrants, which is not true, or they just want to start something. Sheriff Joe Arpaio (A proud Italian-American) is doing a great job for the State of Arizona in my opinion.
There's enough to legitimately criticize about Obama's performance as presidemt without having to resort to the slanders and inaccuracies in that article.
As for the AZ immigration bill: I opposed it because it is a formula for racial profiling, plain and simple. My wife and I aren't going to be challenged to produce proof of citizenship if we're stopped for a traffic violation--but you can bet our Mexican-American neighbor will be. Nonetheless, illegal immigration is a serious problem here. On the one hand, the Federal government claims absolute jurisdiction over all immigration matters. On the other hand, enforcement has been sporadic and feeble, and Congress has treated it as a political football, constantly failing to enact comprehensive immigration reform.
In some ways I agree. But, what about the Cartels coming from Mexico and into AZ that are killing Ranchers on the border?? Also, what about the trashing that goes on on the border. There are immigrants that are wonderful people, like our Italian ancestors were. I think they should do it the RIGHT way. Not illegally. Many people either don't see the ILLEGAL in front of immigrant and just think you're referring to all immigrants, which is not true. Sheriff Joe Arpaio (A proud Italian-American) is doing a great job for the State of Arizona in my opinion.
actually illegal immigration has dropped sharply (66%) over the past decade, but you wont hear the republican candidates mention that.
Dapper, it sounds like you aren't all liberal either, if you agree illegal immigration has gone down. You're right... It has gone down a lot. I believe Sheriff Arpaio is to thank for that.
Noticed on an old post you really bashed Fathersson for disagreeing with our president. Most of us as humans due change our beliefs from time to time, though. So, I'm with you there. I have always pretty much have had the same beliefs and stuck by them.
Dapper, it sounds like you aren't all liberal either, if you agree illegal immigration has gone down. You're right... It has gone down a lot. I believe Sheriff Arpaio is to thank for that.
Noticed on an old post you really bashed Fathersson for disagreeing with our president. Most of us as humans due change our beliefs from time to time, though. So, I'm with you there. I have always pretty much have had the same beliefs and stuck by them.
i was never all liberal, im generally socially liberal but fiscally conservative i consider myself a moderate democrat (i.e. blue dog). i am just in favor of what makes sense and is backed up by data!
and illegal immigration going down is not due to that sheriff, its due to the poor economy since their isnt the attraction of jobs in the states to pull people to come across the border as before when the economy was better, also there are much better border policing techniques by the border patrol (they have predator drones on the border now) and that has helped out as well plus the last bush built a good sized fence as well
Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife? Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.
Re: Interesting article about Obama...
[Re: Dapper_Don]
#632361 01/30/1210:48 AM01/30/1210:48 AM
Interestingly (or at least I think it's interesting), AZ voters recalled and defeated the State Senator who sponsored the controversial immigration bill. And Sheriff Joe is in big trouble with the Feds.
Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu, E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu... E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.
i was never all liberal, im generally socially liberal but fiscally conservative i consider myself a moderate democrat (i.e. blue dog). i am just in favor of what makes sense and is backed up by data!
and illegal immigration going down is not due to that sheriff, its due to the poor economy since their isnt the attraction of jobs in the states to pull people to come across the border as before when the economy was better, also there are much better border policing techniques by the border patrol (they have predator drones on the border now) and that has helped out as well plus the last bush built a good sized fence as well
Interestingly (or at least I think it's interesting), AZ voters recalled and defeated the State Senator who sponsored the controversial immigration bill. And Sheriff Joe is in big trouble with the Feds.
Yep, Obama and Joe aren't very good friends... Lets just say that... LOL!
Wow, PB actually defends a Conservative, like O' Reilly. That's the first. LOL!
I'm a moderate Democrat, NJBoy55. I've voted Republican on more than a few occasions since the first time I voted in 1977. But today's Far Right talking heads on networks like Fox are just too much for a reasonable person to take. And to be fair, the same can be said for the Lefties at MSNBC.
That's why I don't mind Mitt so much (although at this point I'm still leaning towards voting for Obama in November). Extremists (both political and religious) are dangerous. If we haven't learned that over the course of the past ten years, we never will.
"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.
Hi Guys, actualy I just found out after talking to my friend Chris, who sent it to me, that he made the article. It's from his personal Facebook note. Well, after asking him if he really believed the Birth Certificate rumor to be true, he sent me this video, which gives us proof that Obama did show the world that the Birth Certificate was phony. Not saying it is, but I'm just not sure if this stuff is true or false. I want to be 100% sure before I vote again!
Obviously you are not a Vulcan.
"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"