Originally Posted By: olivant
I'm torn. The Cain endorsement; the Trump endorsement. Which one to follow?

I laughed earlier that Mittens might've wished he didn't get the Trump endorsement, but apparently reports claim he actively courted The Donald's support and even did a press conference with him.

Why? Mittens is not going to lose the nomination. It's his, is he really worried of losing the Tea Party vote to Newt? Is he that desperate?

Newt, as disgusting of a human being as he is, he has some political symbolic power as a former Speaker of the House and former leader of the Republican Party. Trump...is Trump. He has all the baggage of the world, with no net positives for Mittens. Even GOPers mostly don't respect Trump. (Why would they?)

Not to mention Trump has no qualms of being Trump and saying something stupid that'll be tied to Mittens, or try at least. Me and Jennifer Rubin actually agree on that point.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 02/02/12 08:00 PM.