Justice ? Rope ! Crime ? All that are with in child abuse & neglect, animals included in this statue ! Spouse abuse (only if it is overdone, and for what reason's) ! Includes BOTH sex's!
NO thefts, of anykind will be permitted, booze, money, etc.. Or those found doing it may be shot and killed on the spot ! (Just make sure they have the shit in their hands !
NO, threats of verbal, assaultive behavior, Drop the SOB before he drops you, but watch how many witness's or do it faster than a bolt of lighting ! May use , the following, cane, stilleto, (knife) just make sure it is sharp and where you put it !
Fights, don't talk , just do what has to be done ! Smile and deck , poke thar eyes out, hit the windpipe , hit upper belly ,mid sternum ! kick in knee cap, block any pass around your pretty face or prtoect your nuts or equipment ladies ! Also GROIN them , break some rocks ! Both Men and Women !
I hate Yelling but Yell like a Mother Fucker , who knows ya just might wake up a cop that wants to get a promotion !
If you like these then say so, and ask for more !
I will be more than happy to serve , protect, your loved ones !
There is only one Winner and If you do it right it had better be you

Just sayen !