you know what I dont give a fuck if i get reported or kicked off this site most of youse dont know dick about Organized Crime youse sit behind your computers and talk shit about these mobsters like they are the worst people out of any crimnials let me tell youse someting else these Wiseguys when it comes to criminals are boyscouts yeah alot of them turn Informants its because 3 reasons 1.The New generation doesint listen to what they are told they are Impolsive and Greedy and arent schooled on how to make money the old ways insted of the fast ways and stay away from law enforcement. 2. Half of these kids Are sons of Wiseguys and the father sees one way when the Son see's the otherway 3. Also half of the Wise guys arent Full blooded Italian or for that matter dont care about there italian roots and are too Americanized and dont care and because alot of these Wiseguys families dont come from the Southern part of Italy these Northern Italy scumbags that dont have any Mafia roots one way or the other are snakes and are in the life for themselves and just to name a few Wiseguys that were Northern Italian and all about themselves were Colombo Capo Greg Scarpa Greg Scarpa Jr (Mothers Maiden name is FORREST) Boston Mobster Stephen Flemmi Genovese Soldier Vincent Cafaro so thats the problem with this life today also youse critize these guys so much but not one of you probley met one Wiseguy or arent even of Southern Italian roots to understand this lifestyle and remember the Five Families are still standing after how many years? 100? probely more and Alot of these are guys are much better then these Fucking ************ I Mean these guys kill for fun and would kill there own kids in a heartbeat so if most of youse got someting to say of what I wrote go ahead but I Know Im Right
Where did this guy come from?
I thought it was jr russo that was saying crazy shit.
Street neapolitan what exactly are the old ways of making money, i thought the whole point of joining the mob was to make money faster than if your legit, otherwise whats the point.