Hey DC, glad to see you can join our Walking Dead conversation.

You laid it out nicely. As the series progresses, we learn the characters more and like you said, is what Rick did worse than what Shane did? Still Shane's seemed more unforgivable. Then again, for the sake of the story, we must remember what a world these people live in. It's not like it was before. You are ALWAYS on guard from Walkers.
Laurie is totally growing conniving. I too noticed the comment to Rick about the baby..."it's YOURS no matter what." She fears it could be Shanes
I did kind of feel badly for the guy caught up on the fence and I would have tried to help. But, like I said you have to consider the world you're suddenly living in. If that were a real, what a harsh world it would be to live in. Glad we are among the living.