I'd rather have one hundred more years of Obama than give Mitt Romney the satisfaction of being President for even one second...I can't stand that son of a bitch.

Like when he grabbed Rick Perry in the middle of a debate and then the lefty media painted it as 'erratic Rick Perry about to punch Mitt Romney !!' because they know Romney's a liberal who will probably roll over for Obama in November anyway. And Romney knows that and exploits it to his advantage.
Or the other night in the debate when the final question asked 'what is the public's biggest misconception about you?' and instead of even remotely answering the question Romney breaks into the same ole 'we need smaller government, lower deficit, I saved the Olympics' blah blah rhetoric that we've heard a MILLION times from him.
Or the 'I can tell the model and make of a car just by looking at one square foot of the body', how ridiculous is that.
The list goes on...