We'd soon get bored it if became a full on zombie fest every episode.
Exactly right DE NIRO. Imagine how boring the show would be, week after week, if they just kept showing Zombies attacking and eating people and the humans continually trying to hide and escape from them? We'd really have negative posts on here about how boring and one dimensional the show is!

In my opinion it is excellent writing that makes you care about the human characters on a show like this. In my opinion not showing the Zombies week after week makes it that more interesting and tension filled when they do appear from time to time. Take the last scene in the Pretty Much Dead Already episode. How terrible did you feel for Carol when she had to stand there and find out that her daughter became a walker and then had to watch Rick shoot her? At least for me it was a heartbreaking scene......hence excellent writing and acting.
It is one of the few shows that I watch where I just cannot wait to see next weeks episode. They always leave you wanting more!