Okay should be some "good" awards coming up.

RR, everybody looks old to me. It's funny how I can say "geez they've age, but of course I haven't.

It's been a while since I've seen Warren Beatty but yea and Michael Douglas too. Though he did suffer thru cancer and I'm sure that took it's toll. And, Nick Nolte too looks really aged.
So easy to be critical sitting here behind my computer. LOL
At least Douglas still works, even while fighting cancer. Beatty's not done movies since the Clinton Administration. What's his excuse?
(Dating Madonna is detriment to your long-term health apparently. Sean Penn, you need a medical check-up.)
And, Nick Nolte too looks really aged.
Nolte looks like death warmed over.
Off-topic, but he was good in WARRIOR. That was a decent picture, unfortunately dismissed because people (wrongly) dismissed it as THE FIGHTER meets MMA.
EDIT - does anybody ever see these live action shorts? Their only value to the audience is tie-breaker at office pool Oscar bets.