I am so
PISSED off right now, you have no idea! I just got back what my final grade will be for Accounting plus my grade on the last test. The teacher graded the paper when I was done with it on Wednesday & told me I made a 100. Today I get the exam back and find an 82 on it, because he said I didn't "round properly." He said it wouldn't have affected my grade (I would have had an 87 with 100 on the test, while now I have an 83 with an 82 on the test). Not only that, but I went to ever F**KING class & he couldn't give me enough points to bump me up to an A! I'm challenging the grade tomorrow. Furthermore, he didn't give us a course evaluation (we're supposed to get evaluations at the end of the course to evaluate the teacher & there teaching skills). I want one of those as well!