The underlying point here is that people today have been told they have certain "rights." And heaven forbid if a church, or an institution, or a government deprive them of these so called "rights." Everything should be bent or changed or altered to accommodate
them. And don't you dare disagree with them because, in doing so, you are against them having their "rights."
And, yes, Limbaugh is a buffoon. As is Hannity. I even think Glen Beck gets carried away a lot. Of course, none of them come close to Michael Savage.

From a conservative point of view, the talk show I'd suggest is Michael Medved.
I'm a conservative but I don't watch Fox News. I don't like the idea of people trying to spoon feed me something. Of course, I don't watch MSNBC either because they're doing the same thing from the other end. Even though they lean a little to the left, I watch CNN the most because they're closest to being right in the middle; i.e. balanced and with as little of an agenda as possible.