Nothing for nothing, but kudos on the awesomeness of being born right around the leap year date! (I know you explained the calender differences, but it's so rare Id like to believe it's so)
Assuming that the 77 in your handle is your birth date, Id like to wish you a happy 9th birthday, and say your posts are remarkably intelligent and coherent for one so young!
...sorry I'll so show myself out. Happy belated birthday!
Thank you Mr Meatballs.

Yes, I'm a punk from late 70s.

You are way too kind.
If you are interested to know about our calendar, here you can get more info: most important aspect of it is its accuracy regarding seasonal change. You can compare its accuracy against Gregorian calendar here: has +/- 0.5 days margin error, while Gregorian can have over a day margin error. The reason ours is so precise in this matter is that we celebrate the very exact time the spring begins as our New Year, no matter what hour, be it even in the middle of the night or early hours of the morning.

And it sucks when we try to convert dates.