Obama will win because all the minorities, homosexuals, feminazis, and intellectual elites will be out in full force in November.
Yeah those Feminazi "sluts" sure love to stuff the ballot box inbetween sex taped romps.
As for gay voters, McCain actually apparently won the highest % of self-described gay voters ever for a GOP candidate. I like to believe, with no empirical evidence backing me up, that if Equal Civil Rights becomes the status quo and no longer an arena of issues, the vote will split roughly between the parties. This isn't tribalism like with African-American or Evangelical voters.
And intellectual elites? I'm reminded of Pauline Kael's apocryphal complaint that she didn't understand how Nixon won re-election because everybody she knew voted McGovern.
Or my favorite: During either '52 or '56 (can't remember which year) at a campaign stop, a woman yelled out to Adlai Stevenson: "Don't worry. All the smart people will vote for you!" He retorted: "I can't win just with them!"

I think you get my point I'm driving at with the "intellectual elite" voting bloc.
These southern states have been overwhelmed by minorities and northerners(Italians and Jews from NY area who are mostly leftist Democrats). Especially Florida.
And if Florida is lost, so is the election.
Florida has been a Yankee colony since...God knows when. That's not news. (I'm ashamed to say that there are probably more Jets fans in South Florida than Dolphin fans.) But save for Virginia and North Carolina, the rest of the South is still whistlin' Dixie. (And even then, describing VA and SC as lost in your viewpoint is a big taffy stretch.)
And I wouldn't necessarily call Florida a dealbreaker. Not as many Electoral Votes, but if I'm Republican, I would consider Ohio to be much more important for morale because of this one fact: No GOP President has been ever elected without winning Ohio. Until somebody inevitably does.
Come to think of it, I'm willing to bet good money that Mittens won't win Massachusetts this fall. When was the last President elected who failed to win his home state? Until somebody inevitably does.
At the same time, I don't see how the Democrats can ever run with a white male candidate again. They're now committed to running anybody but a white male from now on.
I don't want to type bad words, so I'll instead say this: Four years out, Andrew Cuomo rather looks promising as a '16 national candidate. Not saying he will, but he's been mentioned more than once.