Well Super Tuesday was quite interesting no? For a while there it actually seemed that Santorum might win Ohio. All their speeches were too long but Newt sounded like he's in it for the win.

And the clown show continues.
Since it hasn't stopped being funny (or revelant), I'll describe last night as Mittens once again winning by default. I'll repeat what I posted earlier: he outspent Santorum
5-1 in Ohio, and barely beat him by a nose hair. He's got the momentum of a zombie from THE WALKING DEAD.
I mean he had trouble beating Rick Santorum. This was a guy who lost his Senate re-election by what, 17 points? Until Iowa*, he was never considered a serious contender and recently you can understand to a degree why. He's not a great politician or telegenic candidate on the stump to say the least, he's too far right-wing for even several right-wingers. (He picked a fight with JFK's corpse and
lost.) By all media accounts, Mittens won his debate against him.
He had the organization of a soccer mom's mini-van with a budget that could be stacked neatly inside a shoe box. (They failed to get him on the ballot in Virginia and even if he had "won" Ohio, he still would've lost most of the delegates.) All his momentum was based off the conservative grassroots, grasping at any would-be hero against Mittens.
Long story short, Mittens should've buried him with superior organization, more money, and well being the less-psycho candidate compared to Santorum. Yet he lost the Independent vote to the psycho. He's got everything going for him except himself. It's really an epic big budget turd polishing operation.
This isn't Obama beating Hillary. More like imagine if Obama had trouble defeating Dennis Kucinich.
*=He was screwed out of that win by a Iowa GOP beholden to Mittens. Even when he officially got his "win," nobody cared anymore.