I can't stand Maher anymore but the reason he doesn't take the flak Limbaugh does is because most people actually agree that his views (no matter how explicitly expressed they might be) are atleast an attempt at a moral and utilitarian end.

This lady is trying to promote contraception coverage in an effort to prevent the serious health problems that many females (MOTHERS) face years after engaging in unprotected intercourse.

And I could not empathize more. I know ladies who've suffered and died from cancers in the reproductive region, cancers that possibly could have been prevented with better access to contraceptives.

Rush turned it around and tried to make it as though she's a nymphomaniac, looking for a cheap thrill at the expense of the tax payers.

That's why he's a jackass, who needs to take himself and the rest of the tea party extremists out of circulation before they sink the whole damn party.

Last edited by Frank_Nitti; 03/09/12 01:27 AM.