Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

In my opinion, the Supreme Court should overturn Roe v. Wade. And then it should be left up to the states. That's Constitutional. But even then, I would hope that abortion would only be allowed in the very rare cases of rape, incest, or where the life of the mother is in jeopardy.

I once believed that too, until I realized the practicality of such an imposed "fine line." Think about it.

We have rape trials all the time where it's practically he said/she said. Imagine those extra trials now, where the government has to determine whether we have ourselves a rape baby or not. For that matter Ivy, I predict pregnant women can accuse rape just so they can get an abortion. Why not? That smells like a good future LAW & ORDER: SVU episode.

Or for that matter, what if there is "rape" accused but there is no suspect arrested? (A safe consensus is that most rapes are unreported.) How would the courts/police determine this is a rape baby and not just someone crying rape to get an abortion? Will the cops interview neighbors and determine if she's really the local slut or not?

For that matter, how many women want to report to the government that they were raped and want to get an abortion? I would expects cops in Tehran to waste their time with such bullshit, but not American police.

Speaking of which, I'm reminded me of pot legalization. I'm all for it, but I'm not blind to the inevitable required FDA investigations and trials and inspections, standards drawn up between good, acceptable pot and the not so good if legalization was to ever happen.If you accept a broad political template for change, don't be ignorant of the practicalities.

I'm amazed how for conservatives to bitch about big government, they inevitably adopt and embrace it for their anti-government crusade. Or for that ironic matter, this position also apparently adopted by members of one of the more persecuted religious sects in American history. Also hilarious how milllions of people crave for such freedoms themselves, yet we piss them away as if they're worthless.

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

Women have plenty of "choices." They can choose not to have sex. They can choose to use birth control. And they can choose to put up the child for adoption.

Roe/Wade is about choice. You adopt the defeatist, absolutist position that all pregnant women want to abort. (Just like your opinion that Iran will push the button if they get a nuke.) Here's a shocking fact: Most don't abort, even including the circumstances behind the pregnancies. God bless them if they want to carry to term. That's their right to choose whatever it is.

Nobody is putting a gun against your head to abort. This isn't China where we have sadistic, dehumanizing human household quotas.

Again, the government choosing for you? That's big government. Why do you champion that?

Personally I would rather pay for contrception than for abortions. People are gonna fuck, and I rather they have contraceptives and responsible than not. Doesn't mean they will by choice, but what can you do? The government can't inspect to make sure everybody's nose has been wiped. Some might call it lesser of the evils, I consider it the infallable position versus the controversial subject. Utah's recent "solution" is like cutting your hand off because it's itchy. Of course you have people who can't differentiate between the two, as if a condom is the same evil as sucking a fetus's brains out through a straw. As if your swimmers are living beings. (If that was so, most college freshmen are greater murderers than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao combined.)

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

And they can choose to put up the child for adoption.

What if a gay couple wants to adopt them?