Originally Posted By: Lilo

Conservatives want to shrink government just small enough to fit in a bedroom or a woman's body. This is one of the biggest demonstrations of the hypocrisy of the Right. lol

Oh, Lilo! lol lol lol

Well, As I've said time and again, I'm pro choice. Saladbar once made a great argument that we don't make parents or anyone else for that matter donate body parts to save their children. This is quite the same. You can't make a woman donate 9 months of her time, body, etc. to something she doesn't want to do, because as Babe said, that's slavery. A person should not be forced to take care of someone in need. It's immoral not to help, but still it's a choice and a right.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones