Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
There's no way the objective impact of requiring mothers to birth a fetus of their own making could be even remotely compared with human bondage.

Oh please! There's definition for each term. Slave is someone who is made to do something against their will.

If someone doesn't want to bear a child and state makes them to do so, they are the state's slave, plain and simple.

Your assessment of the situation stems from having no regard for mothers who carry their children, because that's such an everyday normal natural thing. Yet I suggest you take a look at the resources a woman has to provide for a fetus during 9 months. The bones and teeth that will decay as the fetus would suck all the calcium of her body. And plus, tumors are product of our making as well. So your argument is not applicable.

I suggest instead of slaving a woman who doesn't want to bear a child, put money out of your pocket and find a way to extract a fetus and raise it outside the womb. Then maybe you would realize the amount you should spend out of your pocket to bring a child to this life, never mind raising it later. Oh wait, you guys just wanna bring them here, but don't want to pay a dime extra in your taxes to raise them. ohwell

I'm sure my argument holds plenty of water, since these matters are non-issues in modern world across the pond.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones