Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
I guess I just can't support the arguer that says, "you as a society couldn't/shouldn't prevent me from having unprotected pre marital sex, and guess what, when/if I get pregnant or sick, you society may have to foot the bill."

But if we society are required to fund their little bundle of subjective morality, then we have every right to try and systemically solve the problem through morality based education, no matter how 'subjective' those morals are, which I consider to be instinctual modes of preservation and survival more than anything else.

Of course, it starts in the home, and most parents today are perfectly willing to let their children objectify themselves in the social meat market without any regard for the long-term systemic sociological problems it can yield.

Good luck with that. Come, take a look at today's Iran. After three decades of shoving morals down people's throats, this is the condition under which we're living. Hejab was required to fight objectifying women, yet I'm sure 60% women including myself hate it. Some women casually throw something over their head, while they've dressed to go to some bridal party or something, no matter if they're going to work, shopping or anything else. I've heard women saying they feel naked if they didn't use insane amount of make up. That's what you get by forced morals, making abortion illegal and frowning upon premarital sex. Bunch of people keeping the face, doing what they want and then lying to each other about it.

And then you could see a society like Sweden, where a woman can get an abortion easier and safer than anywhere else in the world. At the same time the society would provide for the same woman if she chooses to have the baby. I don't see their society fall into pieces because of that.

I think many of these teen pregnancies in the US is exactly because parents get their panties in the bunch if their kids are taught safe sex, because they think their kids shouldn't have sex to begin with. That's not going to happen. People have sex. We're bunch of animals trying to make it as a society. To fight sex and reproduction outside marriage is more destructive than productive. I think these old laws were good when there was no DNA tests and paternal responsibilities could not be maintained if the couple were not married or if they didn't know who the father was. In this day and age, I think we could get past that.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones