I'm speechless. People have a choice over what they do to some extent, but that was not the point. The point was, people don't have a choice on what they ARE.

#1 is irrelevant. To accept the fact that a person is black, gay, etc. doesn't give them cart blanch to act criminally.

#2 is downright ridiculous. How a gay person is going to tone down me being a female or you being a male (I assume)? lol

#3 is irrelevant again. I don't get it. Are you trying to say if gay people can not get married, then they would have to marry straight and then have children? Why then so many gay couples still have children through surrogates, adoption, and sperm banks? Why should a straight person get stuck with a gay partner that's not into them? Is that fair to them? Is it fair to anyone in that relationship?

And why a gay citizen who pays taxes should not benefit the marital status with his or her partner just like you do?

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones