I know there are only a few of us here, but just in case someone pops in and hasn't seen the finale...
POSSIBLE SEAS0N FINALE SPOILERSIt WAS a good finale. I never heard of the Katana (hooded character). They talked about it on "Talking Dead" right after the show. Also, I didn't realize that building shot at the end, was a prison (unless I missed a flash of a sign or something). Perhaps that's where the group can take shelter?? Or perhaps that's where a bunch of Walkers live.
Oh, and now we know what the scientist guy whispered in Rick's ear hu? Poor Andrea, on her own. Don't know if the people who saved her are good or not. Still seemed weird without Shane. Man, Walkers everywhere you turn.
Oh, and I'm getting kind of annoyed at Rick's wife. There's NO pleasing that woman.

Everyone's questioning his leadership tho I still think he's probably the best to do it.
Great episode.