YoTonyB, (and everybody else) have you seen this?
It´s a FBI report, dated 1975, and deals with the Sam Giancana murder. Here´s some parts of it:

"JOSEPH DI PERSIO residing in the SAM GIANCANA (deceased) residence 1147 South Wenonah Oak Park, Illinois, was interviewed at this residence and confidentially furnished the following information:

JOE DI PERSIO began residing in the SAM GIANCANA residence in Oak Park approximately two years ago following the death of ROSE FLOOD who was taking care of the house for GIANCANA.
JOE DI PERSIO and his wife moved into the residence as ROSE FLOOD's husband RICHARD FLOOD, an alcoholic Irishman, could not take care of himself let alone the GIANCANA residence.
JOE DI PERSIO and his wife were present in the GIANCANA house the evening GIANCANA was murdered. GIANCANA had returned to Oak Park Illinois the day before he was murdered (June 19 1975) to recuperate following removal of his gall bladder in Texas.
The evening GIANCANA was murdered JOE DI PERSIO's wife had fixed GIANCANA some chicken for his dinner and he was in the process of eating the chicken in the upstairs family-TV room when his daughter FRANCINE DE PALMA, her husband JERRY DE PALMA and their young daughter came to the GIANCANA residence to visit with SAM GIANCANA. While SAM GIANCANA finished his dinner JERRY DE PALMA asked if there was any corned beef in the house and was instructed there was and proceeded to make himself a corned beef sandwich. He returned to the table where SAM GIANCANA was finishing his dinner.

The dinner completed sometime after 7:00 p.m SAM GIANCANA, FRANCINE DE PALMA, JERRY DE PALMA and SAM GIANCANA's granddaughter went to the basement area of the GIANCANA residence where they all remained until approximately 10:30 p.m. At this time one of the DE PALMA's came upstairs to retrieve some of their belongings preparatory to going home.
DI PERSIO recalled the Johnny Carson Show was just
coming on the television in the family room. DI PERSIO walked out onto the back porch area located at the rear of the residence and noted the DE PAIMA's were departing. He recalled the evening was warm and was enjoying the cool night air when SAM "MOONEY GIANCANA called to him from the garage area of the property to come and take a walk with him.
JOE DI PERSIO went over to MOONEY and accompanied GIANCANA on a walk. GIANCANA had asked DI PERSIO to accompany him as GIANCANA was afraid he might fall down as he was still weak from the recent surgery.
GIANCANA took DI PERSIO's arm and the two proceeded to the corner of Filmore and the next block west of the GIANCANA residence.

During the course of their walk DI PERSIO noted a lot of automobile traffic on Filmore Street along which they were
walking close to the GIANCANA residence and mentioned this to
GIANCANA who gesticulated in reply that he did not give a damn.
DI PERSIO could not tell if the automobile traffic and individuals he noted in the area at this time of night were
police officers or not as these individuals frequently spent
many hours observing the GIANCANA residence from across the
church yard and church yard alley way caddy corner from GIANCANA`S residence.

He and GIANCANA returned to the GIANCANA residence following their walk and DI PERSIO accompanied GIANCANA into the basement area of the residence by entering the house through the rear cellar door entrance which door was open. This door led down a flight of stairs to a steel door which was also open behind a screen/storm door combination. GIANCANA entered the basement and DI PERSIO returned to the upstairs portion of the house.
DI PERSIO estimated that he and GIANCANA took approximately fifteen minutes to take their walk.

After being upstairs for approximately fifteen minutes, MOONEY called to him from downstairs and he went downstairs to see what MOONEY wanted. When he got down
stairs to the basement, MOONEY pointed out to Dl PERSIO that water was dripping from the ceiling of the dining room area to the floor. He and MOONEY discussed what the problem could be.
Shortly after noting the dripping water DCMINIC "BUTCH" BLASI entered the basement dining area from the basement kitchen,
sat down at the basement dining table and asked if there was any scotch in the house. DI PERSIO got him some ice and BLASI proceeded to drink scotch while he and GIANCANA attempted to determine what was causing the water to drip onto the basement dining room floor.
DI PERSIO removed several acoustic tiles from the ceiling of the dining room in the area of the water drip and noted that the water was coming from a drain pipe taking water from the bathroom located directly above the area of the leak. DI PERSIO got some buckets and put them under the slow leak. It was decided the pipe could be fixed in the morning.

DI PERSIO cleaned up the mess on the dining room floor and stacked the wetacoustical tiles out of the traffic areas in -the basement. He asked SAM GIANCANA if he needed anything else and GIANCANA told him if he did need anything he would call him.
DI PERSIO then went upstairs and joined his wife in the family room located on the first level of the house. He left MOONEY and BLASI alone in the basement dining room. 0n the way into the family room, DI PERSIO closed a sliding door between the stairs and the upstairs kitchen. He joined his wife at approximately 11:20 p.m and watched part of the Johnny Carson show with her. He also noted his wife had the air conditioner on in the television area and as such the television was turned on rather loudly.

DI PERSIO and his wife watched television for approximately one half-hour at which time JOE DI PERSIO stood up and looked out through the rear window area and noted that BLASI's car was not in the driveway.
DI PERSIO then went to the doorway which door he had earlier closed as he and his wife wished to retire, opened the door and called downstairs to MOONEY. GIANCANA did not answer and he then proceeded downstairs to see if GIANCANA was alright. Once downstairs DI PERSIO noted that GIANCANA was not in the basement dining area and that the sliding door between the basement kitchen and the basement dining room was partially closed permitting him to see that GIANCANA was lying on the basement kitchen floor.
DI PERSIO slid open the door and noted that GIANCANA was lying on the basement kitchen floor face up with blood underneath his head. He also noted that on the stove in the kitchen area with the gas burner turned on full blast was a small frying pan containing Italian sausage, spinach and beans. DI PERSIO immediately turned the gas off under the frying pan, took the pan off the burner and in the process burned his hand. He then called upstairs to his wife told her not to come downstairs and
to immediately call an ambulance since MOONEY had been hurt.
He felt for MOONEY's pulse and could find none.

DI PERSIO explained that he and his wife stayed at the GIANCANA residence for $10.00 per day and that he had not been paid by GIANCANA since January 1975. The evening GIANCANA was murdered and prior to the time BLASI came to the residence DI PERSIO mentioned to GIANCANA he had not been paid for a considerable period of time. GIANCANA also owed a considerable amount of money on bills which had accrued at the house in his absence and GIANCANA replied that they would take care of the whole matter in the morning and pay all the bills including DI PERSIO's salary. DI PERSIO indicated that MOONEY did not mention he had any money on his person but when he was searched following the murder $1,400 was found in his pocket. GIANCANA never carried money in his wallet and reserved the wallet for carrying credit cards.

After GIANCANA had been murdered BLASI stopped by the GIANCANA residence many days later and asked DI PERSIO how things were going. DI PERSIO explained to BLASI that many bills were mounting at the house and he could not pay them. BLASI asked that all bills at the house be forwarded to him and that he would take care of them.
Approximately two weeks ago late in the evening DI PERSIO's wife answered a telephone call at the GIANCANA residence and was immediately set upon by a male caller who used very abusive language to her regarding her husband.
DI PERSIO took the telephone himself and the caller used
profanity to explain that the caller was coming to the GIANCANA residence to kill DI PERSIO and his "bitch" wife if he did not keep his mouth shut. DI PERSIO then proceeded to call the unidentified male caller every name he could think of in Italian and hung up the telephone in anger. DI PERSIO recalled he heard background music as if the caller was calling from a tavern. DI PERSIO recognized the voice of the caller as being an individual he thought he knew however he declined to further identify him.

On November 18, 1975 DCMINIC JOSEPH BLASI chief murder suspect in this investigation appeared before the Cook County Grand Jury and invoked his Fifth Amendment privilege. He was directed to return on December 12, 1975."

Here´s a nice website with pictures of many outfit members (and other good stuff):


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