I don't understand why mandating insurance for health would be different than mandating auto insurance for driving.

You can pay auto insurance for years and never get in an accident and never use it.BUT, it's there when you need it. Why can't I opt out? I haven't had accident or used it in years?
As sure as the sun rises, we ALL will need medical care at some time or another. It's inevitable.
check this out, i found this helpful
"Justice Stephen Breyer suggested that the rationale for the Anti-Injunction Act—protecting government revenue--didn't apply to the insurance penalty.
"One thing that's relevant in my mind is that taxes are, for better or for worse, the life's blood of government," Justice Breyer said. While the health-law penalty is expected to generate revenue, its purpose wasn't to fund the government but to drive people into the insurance pool, he suggested.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg agreed, saying:
"This is not a revenue-raising measure, because, if it's successful … nobody will pay the penalty." "
pretty much sums it up