I see a lot of ugliness here. There is no room for it on these boards.

The only thing I've read here the last posts has been complete and utter shit. Sorry, no other word for it. It makes my stomach turn that there are still people out there who don't understand the outrage at this shooting.
An unarmed child was helplessly slaughtered. Where is the compassion for a life cut tragically short? Where is the sorrow for his parents who are living every parent's nightmare?
Why does it come into the discussion that someone who looks like him was in a gang? Why should it matter if someone of the same racial or ethnic background killed a cop? Did he? He was walking home with a bag of candy in his pocket. No weapons, no drugs, no alcohol. Some Skittles. And he was shot and killed for no other reason than some hero-wanna-be was walking around with a gun.
Reading some of these posts just makes me realize how little some of us have evolved.