Dr.Nigro according to the FBI was a made member of the mob, he owned the Down Town Hospital, his brother owned several bars, Lucians being one. This was back in the 30' and 40's. Gilhouly's was in fact owned by Charlie Mandacina, he sold it when he was convicted and sentenced to life, he passed a month ago or so. He also owned the Red Front Bar, on 9th near Anthonys. Diamond Joes actually closed about 2 years ago, the City bought Joe out so they could widen Choutou. The new Chubby's on Broadway does not have the same feel, fewer of the "guys" hang out there now, Nick Sr. does not come around anymore, his kids, Vito and Nick Jr. run it now. The one on the avenue used to be the fun one when I was younger, everyone used to come around there. The strip club law was stopped about 3 years ago, the Speaker of the House was paid to shelve it in committe, this came to light and there is an investigation going on, this limited the opporunities to fight it the second time around. PJ Ribaste (Temptations, Pure, Cigar Box,) and Paul Silvio (Million Dollar Fantasy Ranch) have been taking a beating from the new law.