No big loss? Tell that to his mother.
No big loss
to society.
I was asking what proof you have that he was not a pillar of the community. He was visiting his dad at his new home, so he was walking home with candy and iced tea at night in an unfamiliar neighborhood and an older guy was following him. Even if he DID attack him (and videos of Zimmerman shortly afterwards show no sign of blood or injury), wouldn't you?
First off, I'm not sure what kind of "proof" you'd expect me to provide. Being as, I don't have access to anything beyond the info we've all seen online or on the news.
Second of all, wouldn't I what? Would I physically attack a guy just because he's following me, suspicious of me, or even confronted me and asked what I was up to?
NO. Ya know why? Because I wouldn't be up to anything bad, I don't have anything to hide, and I wouldn't respond in thug-like fashion.
He was a young man with an entire life ahead of him. Who knows what life may have held in store for him.
Judging by his temper and quick action to violence, I'm guessing at least one prison stint would have been in his future. But who knows? Maybe it would have been the Nobel prize of literature.