Originally Posted By: carmela
This is where I have some issues with what you're saying, Ivy. If I'm walking down the street and someone is going to come up to me, question me, follow me, be confrontational, whatever, I'm going to start getting defensive and angry. See, I know me. And I know I'm not alone. If I know I've done nothing wrong and I'm minding my own business and you're obviously looking for a fight, then you're going to get one. That doesn't give you the right to shoot to kill me.

Ahh, but notice what you keep saying - you'd get defensive and angry. All understandable and warranted. But would you - and I'm speaking hypothetically here - physically attack the person who confronted you? And look at it if you're Treyvon (not a woman).

I think you hit the real difference we have here. I don't believe Zimmerman was "looking" for a fight. I think he confronted Treyvon based on a stereotypical view of him, not to mention being overzealous in his community watch position.

It becomes a question of self defense whether Zimmerman shooting him was warranted. But, to me, that's not even the real issue. Zimmerman is guilty of starting the altercation that led to the fight in the first place.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.