Let's see just a few days ago conservatives were quivering in rage when Hilary Rosen said that Ann Romney had never worked a day in her life. Democratic elected officials from the President on down disavowed those comments. Rosen had to apologize. In the last election cycle candidate Barack Obama had to disavow, repudiate, renounce, etc Reverend Wright and any other scary black man of the day that made some conservative wet their panties.
Now the Republican probable nominee goes to seek the endorsement of a guitarist
with a long history of making bigoted ugly racist sexist threatening comments. Said guitarist then proceeds to make a comment which could be taken as a threat to the President's life. This is of course after a long number of other hateful comments specifically made about the President.
Do conservatives renounce Nugent? Nope.
Do they distance themselves? No they do not.
Do they run to blogs and newspapers complaining about the decline in propriety? That would be a no.
Anyone? Anyone?? Bueller?????
This shows as much as anything that conservatives, are , as much as anyone else, full of crap. It also shows that Romney in particular has no guts.
But he's not alone. The Democrats or media should be asking Romney the following questions.
"Governor Romney, Ted Nugent called Secretary Clinton a "toxic c***" and "two-bit whore". Do you support that sort of language?. Is it ok if someone referred to your wife in those terms?"
"Governor Romney, Ted Nugent has spoken in favor of apartheid and said that not all men are created equal. What's your response?"
"Governor Romney, Ted Nugent has spoken of not wanting to have people embracing "voodoo religions" immigrating to America. Could you provide an example of a "voodoo religion" and then explain how it might differ from your own?"
"Governor Romney, Ted Nugent has stated that Morgan Freeman is racist. Do you agree?"
"Governor Romney, Ted Nugent has claimed that President Obama went to a "voodoo cave" church. Can you explain what he meant?"
"Governor Romney, Ted Nugent has a long history of threatening violence against people with whom he disagrees. Why would such a man endorse you? Why did you seek his approval? Are you comfortable with that sort of language?"
"Governor Romney, did Ted Nugent threaten to beat you up? Do you need access to a anti-bullying hotline?"
"Governor Romney, if you can't stand up to Ted Nugent, how can we trust you to stand up for America?"
And so on. This should be a turkey shoot. But of course the dominant media narrative ignores such unpleasantries.

Instead let's get outraged because the President said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin. Or I heard the President says he's black. That's racist!!!!