That was fast! Okay, so busted, and quickly. Full confession: I've been following you guys for a long time. Nobody but nobody knows more about The Godfather than some of you who post here. I was kind of hoping I could covertly overhear what your responses were to the novel, but clearly I blew it. Anyway, let me just say one thing: I seriously don't like always being identified as Edie's uncle, but Edie's a sweetheart and a wonderful human being and there's nothing either she or I can do about it. And one more thing: thanks for all the depth and detail in your knowledge of everything Godfather. You've been a great resource. I've gotten to kind of like Rich Certo. Think I'll keep it as an alias.
Full disclosure: Now that you've "come clean," I think I'll be able to read the book with a much more open mind. I was honestly trying to bait you into admitting that you were Falco. I'm glad I was right.
But be forewarned: If the book isn't any good, we're going to let you know about it. We were absolute murder on Winegardner. He still gets the occasional bomb threat from some of us
