Giuseppe Renda, someone unrelated to Paolo Renda and apparently close to Sal Montagna, has been possibly kidnapped. He is definitely missing.

Google translation

A mafia associate disappears in Montreal

Daniel Renaud
Le Journal de Montréal
07/05/2012 1:27 p.m.

MONTREAL - A man of Italian origin close to the Mafia murdered Salvatore Montagna has been missing since Friday night in Montreal, told Le Journal de Montréal.

All indications are that Giuseppe Renda, 53, was kidnapped. But for now, the police, who opened an investigation, prefers to speak of a disappearance.

"Right now, we consider this case as a disappearance as long as we do not have elements that will allow us to believe a crime has been committed," said Lt. Ian Lafrenière of the Montreal police.

It is the wife of the disappeared, worried, who alerted the police on Friday dinner time. Investigators from the Southern Operational Centre Montreal police have launched immediately on some tracks and quickly returned to the car of Mr. Renda on St. Urbain Street in Little Italy.

It seems that Giuseppe Renda has left his home in Westmount mid-morning Friday to meet with someone.

The rendezvous took place as planned, but Mr. Renda is never returned home thereafter.


Giuseppe Renda was not related to Lieutenant Clan of the Sicilians, Paolo Renda, 70, who has never been seen since he was abducted near his home in Spring 2010.

Giuseppe Renda was born in the United States, but dwell Montreal for several years.

It would be close to Salvatore Montagna, this candidate-sponsor murdered on the island-Vaudry, to Charlemagne, in November 2011. Recall that the former right of ousted godfather Vito Rizzuto, Raynald Desjardins, and half a dozen other men, charged with the murder.

It seems that Giuseppe Renda was very nervous since the murder of Montagna and the murder of Lorenzo Lopresti and attempted murder against Antonio Pietrantonio, aka "Tony Suzuki," last fall.

Want some information that these two individuals, once close to the Rizzuto clan will be joined at Montagna after falling Rizzuto in 2010.

About money or debt could be the cause of the disappearance of Giuseppe Renda.