Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don

Your right we dont know, but it could be true. Remember last week I floated the idea that Merlino might be the official boss as the reason the feds had Ligambi as Acting Boss in the superseeding indictment. You shot that possibility down as unlikely because of lack of evidence, later in the week it comes out that Merlino is the boss.

Just saying that things can happen.

A lot of things could be true. Maybe Joey Merlino is getting his marching orders from Jimmy Buffett down in Florida. People on these forums float theories all the time. If it doesn't pan out, well, it was just a theory. If, by some chance, it does, they're like, "See! I told ya." Even though they really had no idea. They're just throwing darts in the dark and sometimes one happens to stick.

Once it came out that Massino flipped, it seemed people were determined (as they always are) to anoint somebody else the next official boss. In this case, Basciano. And I agree, he likely would have been had he not gotten life in prison. But he was indicted as the acting boss and he ultimately did get life in prison.

Furthmore, you can't fail to see the irony in your signature where Basciano seems to be usurping Massino's authority, since Massino was behind bars. And, yet, now that Basciano is doing life in Colorado, it's really possible he has the official boss position? Well, again, anything is possible but why not just keep that slot blank until it's actually known or not? Because otherwise people start treating their theories like probabilities, and then those probabilities morph into accepted fact, and before you know it, people start talking as if Basciano is the official boss when there's never been anything concrete to indicate that.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.