Well this is fascinating.

Top GOP Pollster to GOP: Reverse On Gay Issues

From a pollster that worked Dubya's '04 campaign, he sends out this talking points memo to the party establishment.


The last passage I liked, and it does approach SSM from a right-wing perspective:

Conservative fundamentals: “As people who promote personal responsibility, family values, commitment and stability, and emphasize freedom and limited government we have to recognize that freedom means freedom for everyone. This includes the freedom to decide how you live and to enter into relationships of your choosing, the freedom to live without excessive interference of the regulatory force of government."

Isn't that a great answer?

The memo also listed out topics which most polled Republicans (and American public) support on the Gay topic, and this brings up something I wondered about Mittens' campaign.

Before Obama's bombshell announcement this week, why didn't Romney exploit Obama's public kubaki dance on that issue? For an issue the public is polling upwards against the anti-gay forces, Romney could've taken a considerable chunk of the political centre while Obama had taken that issue for his for granted.

He still would've been publicly against SSM because of that base, but he could've done his own moderate public gestures on little things. For instance, support an anti-discrimination bill that would prevent employers from firing employees simply for their orientation. Give domestic partnerships the right to visit their partners in the hospital. Legal protection in some form for gay couples whether it be same sex marriage or domestic partnership (only 29% of GOPers oppose legal recognition in any form).

But he didn't. None of that. Not even a token public defense of his own spokesman last week. And this week happens, and Obama takes the centre for himself when Mittens could've raided for himself.

That's a lesson kids: When there's an opening, TAKE IT.