To my knowledge, these names do not occur in any FBI listings as made members in any Mafia Family. I´m not saying they were not involved though. I do know a little about the son.
In 1959, Imbrogno Jr (23 years old, of 326 N. Terrace Ave.) was sent to the Westchester Penitenttiary after been sentenced to a six month prison term for wife beating. While on an outside work detail, he managed to escape. He had worked on a plastering detail at a hospital room when he fled into the woods. He was recaptured four days later in Newark, NJ at the home of an aunt.
October 1964. Imbrogno Jr was find 50 dollars for speeding.
March 1966. Imbrogno Jr was flown back from Las Vegas to face burglary charges. He had been arrested with a Arthur S. Reuff. They were suspected of committing a daylight burglary at the home of William Ventricelli.
In January 1964, a marriage lisence was issued to a Robert Chiudina, 250 S. Second Ave., Mount Vernon, draftsman. Nancy O'Connor, 55 Durst Place, instructor. The couple married some days later but I doubt that this Chiudina was "your" Chiudina. He was described as the son of Mr. and Mrs. Al Chiudina of 497 Van Cortlandt Park Ave. His brother Alfred was bestman.
I managed to find a comment made by Imbrogno Sr published in New York Evening Post Dec 11, 1941. He gives his view of USA entering the second world war.
"EUGENE IMBROGNO, 257 S. 10th St., Mt. Vernon: "It's a god thing we're getting in this war. We've wasted enough time."